
<Out of the City> Oedo Botania: 외도 보타니아

Located about 10-20 minutes away from Geoje-do by a ferry boat, Oedo is an island brimming with well-trimmed and lush colors of nature.  While the word 'blue' is associated with the word 'water' by default, traveling often makes me realize that such generalization just won't do. Even with a slightly different angle of sunlight, the water dons a whole different outfit. The vivid colors of the world always tug at my heart. Traveling becomes essentially irresistible, and I forever long to be a carefree globe-wanderer.

As the entire island is essentially one, giant garden embraced by the vibrant hues of water, be sure to bring your best smiles and a well-charged camera.

<photos by me>


<Out of the City> 27.

While breathing for 27 years on this Earth, momentous changes occurred to my perspective of everything. When I pause mid-step, take a deep breath, put both feet solidly on the ground, and take a look over my shoulders, I can see that I have jumped oceans and Mount Everests.

Good or bad, sweet or bitter, proud or embarrassing, what minuscule footmarks I have made in this world are mine alone and here to stay. So many words floats around, but you are your sole life-long guide to the future of the better and the brighter.

What has been on your mind recently?

<photos by Rob Lee>